Sunday, May 3, 2009

Sometimes I feel So Lucky...

This morning we watched Chloe & Annie for a few hours while their parents were at work. Alex took this little group photo cause she thought it was so cute that everyone had congregated on Mom & Dad - even the dogs! (Please ignore the fact that I look heinous.) In the afternoon I took my girls to have lunch with Grammy, Papa & Aunt Cyndi. After lunch we went to Grammy's and she pampered her little girl (Me, not Haley!) She took care of my various ailments...the joys of getting older with a nice helping of stress :) I love that Grammy still will let me be her little girl when I need it. After coddling me all the girls went shopping with Grammy. I like to go and help Grammy pick out clothes - we always find great deals that look really great on her! When we got home from lunch, Grandma Egbert was at our house getting help with some paperwork. She watched Haley and let me take a nap - see I am a lucky girl! I can not believe that people do not get along with their mother-in-laws! Mine is one of my best friends and biggest supports. See, I'm so lucky, not only do I have one great Mom - I have two!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful day and what a wonderful life you have. So many people who love you. Thank you for sharing your life with us! I too am glad you have Roy's mom, it's comforting for me that you have someone as loving in your life who cares for you ALMOST as much as I do! Also, you don't have such bad taste in men either!
