Saturday, May 9, 2009

Doggie Dash

What a HUGE day! I know all of you will be diappointed with ALL the photos I took! ;) Today we got up early and went and met Uncle, Paul, Shoe, Hayden, & some of Uncle's coworkers for the 2009 Doggie Dash! It was really neat seeing the people from Uncles office! Haley's pediatrician was there and so was Trudy, the nurse from when I was a little girl :) The walk was really chaotic but I got some great photos - even a group shot! It was neat to finally meet Paul - he is a really nice guy! The Doggie Dash was a lot of fun -but a little hectic! There were big dogs...weird dogs...adorable babies...bff's...And more BFF's :) By the end of the walk Tank was pooped! Sweet Haley was also pooped after the walk so we just played at home. I love playing with her - she is so cute & silly! Her top teeth have really come through now - they do bother her a bit but they are awfully cute! Haley is REALLY close to crawling! She can get herself onto all fours and it is just a matter of time until she gets that momentum going! She also started clapping today! So cute! The video is a little long but it shows her clapping and how well she is moving her body around :)
So that was the day - a lot going on! I will leave you all with a sweet picture of my sweet girls :)


  1. Thanks for getting some pics up! You've really done well with your blogging...but you're up awfully late for a Mommy!

  2. The cutest girls in the whole world. We are indeed a lucky lucky family!!
