Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The World We Live In

Today I want to take a moment to reflect on where this world is going. Everyday I hear something that someone has done to someone else - each time a little bit worse than the last. The world seems to be slipping through our hands. The evil is starting to overtake the good, the greed overtakes the generosity, the hate overtakes the love. Every time someone says what a Saint I am for taking these kids it makes me feel good, but it also makes me wonder how the world has changed so much that taking care of these children becomes some sort of saintly task rather than just the right thing to do. It makes me sad that people do not seem to care about one another. That most people would rather run you over than look at you twice. It saddens me that their are so many scammers out there that it is almost impossible for people who actually need help to find anyone to give them a hand. I just hope that people will start opening their eyes and will realize that if we all do not start helping instead of hurting this world is not going to be worth living in. I am thankful to be surrounded my a great group of wonderful people, and for that I am thankful. I love my friend's & family and would not be able to be the person I am & aspire to be without them. Today I found out more news about the horrors in this world. I pray for all that are effected by the evil that men do. I hope that the love I put out into this world will inspire others to look beyond themselves and do more to make this world a better place. Thank you for the chance to vent - I will be back to Egbert happenings tomorrow (and EXTRA photos too!). All my love!

1 comment:

  1. Know that you are loved and that we seem to hear a lot about evil in this world, but there is beauty and you are part of the light. I thank my stars that I you and your siblings and family in my life.
