Monday, May 11, 2009

New Hair Do's & Moonwalking

So in her quest to find a way to entertain us everyday, Haley started a new trick today - "moonwalking" She will hold on to each of your index fingers, stand herself up, and start walking backwards. Now if I can only get her to go forward :) No videos of this newest trick but I will continue trying to capture some! Instead you are stuck with this photo of the boy protecting his "sister"...he really does not like strangers getting near her (or the cats)
Alex convinced Crystal's friend, Kelsey, to highlight/dye Emily & her hair today. Two hyper teenagers playing beauty shop on my porch - wow! Alex looked really cute after (I will have to get some photos after she styles it tomorrow) and was really happy with the results! :) It was so nice of Kelsey to do this for the girls! Anyhow, other than a few errands (including an interesting trip that resulted in me watching Grandpa Egbert ride a slightly too small adult trike around - don't ask) we stayed home and played, took a bath, visited with Grandma, & ate some yummy finger foods. Tomorrow is going to be a busy one so I better get some sleep!

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