Thursday, May 21, 2009

A Little Under The Weather :(

Haley was not feeling so hot today. She did not have a fever but she just was not herself. She was very fussy and seemed quite uncomfortable most of the day :( I eventually gave her some gas drops & Tylenol and hoped one or both would ease her troubles. Seemed to do the trick she took a nice long nap in the afternoon and seemed a little more like her cheery self in the evening. I hope my little princess is feeling better tomorrow. On the bright side I was able to sneak away for a bit with Grandma Egbert and it was really nice. I love talking to her. She always helps me have a better perspective my new extended family. I am so blessed to have so many people around me to support me! The only reason I make it through each day is having the love and support of my family and friends. Thanks for sticking with me through all the twists and turns!

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