Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Makenna Visits :)

Today Makenna came over and played with Haley. They had a really great time together! Makenna gave Haley a nice kiss! Makenna is such a little cheese-ball :) Haley has learned to "scooch" around on her bottom. She gets really excited, starts flapping her arms and rocking back and forth - eventually she manages to scooch herself forward a little. Today she was sitting about five feet away from the couch but she managed to rock her little body all the way over to and grasp on to the edge to try and lift up! Haley's early interventionist loaned us this book & Haley LOVES it! It has all these photos of babies and on the opposite page there is an animal that has a similar facial expression. It is really cute!


  1. Makenna has her daddy's dimples!
    I am SO excited about Haley becoming mobile. I'm sure I won't be as excited when I need to be more conscious of her being able to get into everything, but for right now, I can't wait! What wonderful pictures these are!

  2. Love the pix with Haley and the book

  3. Awww! Makenna kissing Haley is so precious! They are BFF's, aren't they? They're too cute for words!
