Friday, May 29, 2009

Haley's First Trip To The Zoo!

Today Haley & I accompanied Alex and her schoolmates on a field trip to the zoo. I had four girls in my group. Hannah...
Alex & Jessica...
And Marina.
I had a nice time walking Haley around and listening to the girls giggle and chat. It was so hot! But it was fun to hang out with my two beautiful girls!
We walked around a little and then sat on the big lawn at the zoo for lunch picnic style. After lunch Haley was POOPED. All the people, heat & excitement was too much for the little princess. Luckily the stroller seat goes all the way down so she could nap in luxury :)
Although most of the animals were not out - a combination of ongoing zoo construction and the heat - I did get a photo of the polar bears...
and a cool one in Stellar Cove of two sea lions.
Even though we were all really hot we had a great time. I am really glad I got to share today with Alex & her friends!

1 comment:

  1. How much fun did you have! The girls are darling and the baby looks pooped out! Too many animals for one little one to see, human and otherwise!
