Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Grammy Makes Us Dinner

Today Mom took a lot of sweet photos of Haley :) I love my new camera! It has really great settings to help catch those adorable moments! I am really impressed with the photo quality! In the afternoon Makenna came over and played with Haley. Haley is getting so active and is able to really play with the toys now. It is only a matter of time before that girl will be crawling everywhere - although if she had her way she would just skip crawling and start walking! Haley is happiest when she is standing up. She was able to enjoy sitting with Makenna though. Makenna would pick out a toy and bring it over and both girls would explore it together. How fun! In the afternoon Grammy joined our little party. Despite a small snafu - sorry Grammy :( we had a great time! Grammy made us Ziti (a meal I used to make for my Daddy when I was a wee one) and we all enjoyed a great dinner! After dinner Grammy & Papa sat with us and visited. Haley had so much fun playing with Papas face...Laughing with Grammy...And otherwise being loved by them! We even managed a family photo before they left! It was a great night and a great day!

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