Sunday, May 24, 2009

Picnic Time!

This afternoon we  filled the ball pit with water (some warm from the bathtub) and Haley played around in it.  
Hayden finally could not take it anymore and put his jean shorts on and got in with her.  It was pretty cute! 
 After Hayden wanted to get in the big pool.  It was pretty cool but he had fun & pushed Haley around in her inflatable boat. 
 Then we started setting up for the BBQ we planned because Grandpa Egbert really wanted to BBQ. We invited the usual suspects; Grandma, Grandpa, Grammy, Papa, Jeff, Shoe, Hayden, Kristine, Howie & Makenna all came over and had barbecue picnic style.  

We sat around eating, talking and watching Makenna & Haley play.  It was a great time!  Haley wore her Grandpa's Sweetheart shirt :) 
 Even though Haley would not stop chewing on her sweatshirt I could not resist taking a partial family photo!
Alex and Haley - Haley is making her "grumpy man" face 
I got a lot of entertainment with shooting Henry with a water gun and watching him jump around snapping trying to catch the water stream in his mouth - crazy dog!

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