Monday, May 25, 2009

Memorial Day

It was really nice having Alex & Dad home an extra day this weekend. Today we just took it easy and enjoyed the weather. Alex played a bit with the girl. She even took Haley on a walk to visit Grandma & Grandpa Egbert! They sure have fun together!
Shoe also brought Bentley over today. The dogs had a great time together! Bentley & Tank gained up on Henry (not too successfully). It was cute watching them all have fun together!
When Henry walked over to look out the door both of his "little shadows" followed him to see what he was up to. Henry is always so careful when he plays with the smaller dogs :)
Before Henry left he really wanted to check out Tank's new dragon stuffed animal. He really had fun playing with it for a whole forty five seconds! :)
All in all a nice relaxing day - not a bad way to spend Memorial Day 2009!

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