Friday, May 1, 2009

Talk About A FULL House!

Today was a little on the crazy side! I bit something wrong a few days ago and I think I bruised my gum so I have been a little distracted by the mind numbing pain radiating from my mouth. I have become really good friends with Haley's Orajel. I keep telling myself that I am having sympathy pains for my sweet one...yeah that is it. Anyway enough boo-hoo for me let's talk about what I know you are all tuning in for...The Sweet One! Haley had her friends Annie & Chloe over this afternoon. The two babies had fun playing together while Chloe tagged around with a very patient Alex & her two girlfriends. Annie has gotten so good at playing with Haley. She is gentle and careful with her now & they are quite cute together. I know she can't compete with her BFF, Makenna, but Annie is definitely a close second! :) Alex also had her two friends over, Emily (Alex's BFF & a pretty frequent guest who is a total sweetie!) & Gaby (such a cute girl too!. All three girls have been so sweet & polite. I love having Alex around because she is always willing to help out when things get hectic for me! Since both girls had friends over, Tank was really jealous. Luckily, Uncle was in Baltimore so Henry came over to spend the night with his BFF! Now if I just had invited Shoe & Bean over we could have had a BFF convention ;) Chloe wanted to make sure I took a photo of her with each dog. What a cutie!This one cracks me up!By tonight when Renee came to pick up the girls everyone was pooped! Tank & Dad were napping on the couch, Haley was long passed out, Chloe was laying watching Dora, & Annie was asleep in my arms. Talk about a napping house! And now folks, it is Momma's turn! Goodnight!

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