Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Meeting Our New Case Worker & Circle of Security

Makenna came over first thing this morning to play with Haley. Haley was wearing a different outfit prior to the arrival of Makenna, however when Mom saw that Makenna was in her panda outfit it was decided Haley should wear hers! What cuties! At about 11 am Makenna went down for a nap. She slept until 12:45 which was conveniently when Haley was ready for her nap. I literally placed sleeping Haley into the crib and then turned and took half awake Makenna out of the crib. Makenna laidwith me on the couch inspecting the caseworker and Grandma Egbert. She clung to me during the entire meeting eyeing the caseworker cautiously before burying her head into my shoulder after determining she still was not sure about these strangers :) It was really quite cute. I am glad Makenna feels like she can get comfort from me. After Makenna got picked up it was a mad dash to pick up Alex & then drop both girls off at Grammy's while I attended Circle of Security. The class was great and Alex was stoked to be able to earn $15 for doing chores at Grammy's!

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