Saturday, May 2, 2009

These Titles Are The Bane Of My Existence :)

Today I woke up to this adorable "blob" on my couch. All three girls finally awoke from their friend cocoon and spent much of the day playing Wii Fit. Alex was not happy that I kept taking photos and the frequent "you aren't going to put that on your blog are you!" was heard frequently throughout the day. Oh the joy! I now know that my mom must have delighted in every "OMG, you are so embarassing!" that flew from my lips at 13. Haley got to spend the evening alone with Dad since Mom had a babysitting job tonight. Mom was happy to make a little extra money & Haley got to spend extra time with Dad! :) I apologize to all her fans but Mom did not get any good photos of the girl today...tomorrow I promise. :) I did get a cute one of the boy following me up the stairs.

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