Thursday, May 7, 2009

Sometimes A Girl Has Just Gotta Sleep!

So anyone that has spent any time with my Mom (Grammy to those that know), has heard the story of the time a very sleepy toddler Kelly face planted into a plate full of mashed Mother like Daughter I tell you! Haley was happily eating her Gerber puffs, I turned around to attend to Makenna, turned back and just started cracking up! After calling the whole family down to look at Haley (at one point she groggily lifted her head to reveal a long drool strand pooling onto the high chair tray) and take photos. Mom lifted her out, picked some soggy puffs off her legs and put her down for a much needed nap! Makenna, who was visiting for a bit, fell asleep on the couch a short time later. After naps & a more food it was bath time. Haley really loves her baths! She splashes and coos and just has a ball! Mom made a bubble hat on her because, well, I can :) All in all a great day! I took care of some paperwork to take over Alex's school guardianship & got a great deal on a double stroller from Craigslist - go me for being productive! :)

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