Friday, May 22, 2009

A Day Full Of Surprises

So Mom was organizing some clothes while Haley took her late morning nap when who should come knocking on the door but Grandpa Egbert. Just as he came in Haley woke up from her nap so she was able to see her Grandpa. Grandpa was feeling really good today and apparently was having a rush of Haley loved so he asked if he could take her home for a while. I agreed and packed up some of Haley's stuff while I gave him an earful of instructions :) It was a nice surprise to suddenly have a few free hours to myself I was not expecting & Haley got to spend time with Grandma & Grandpa Egbert to boot! Later when we went to pick Haley up Grandpa surprised us again when he pulled up his sleeve to reveal...seriously I almost dropped dead! It took Grandma a bit to believe it was real but I assured her it was. I told you - full of surprises today! :) I guess you can not deny that girl has stolen her Grandpa's heart! After Roy got the smelling salts and revived me ;) we went home and met Chloe & Annie for a backyard picnic. We had a great time eating yogurt, gerber puffs & cheese sticks! Annie & Chloe played on the slide. They were having so much fun even Tank wanted to join in! Haley enjoyed just watching all the action...and trying to eat her feet :) Haley sure loves being around the other kids! Once the air started to chill we headed inside and played in the ball pit. All three girls loved it! They barely fit but they made do :) While we were playing inside Aunt Kate stopped by with some delicious soup! She is so sweet to us! I can not wait to cook it up! Haley was pooped from her exciting day so she went to bed. Roy & I took turns reading Chloe & Annie books until their Mom came to pick them up. All in all a great day - full of surprises!

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