Friday, May 15, 2009


Today was VERY exciting! Roy had a service call in Seaside so Mom, Haley & Tank tagged along (Alex was in school and then went to a sleepover.)
On the way to Seaside Mom had to take a photo of this road sign - funny I thought he was right next to me in the car ;) Mom sat in back with Haley most of the way to the beach. She is SO cute! I had so much fun tickling her and taking photos! When we got to Seaside, Dad did his job while the rest of us took a walk. When Dad was done it was time to hit the beach! Haley liked her first steps on the beach :) There was a swing set on the sand and Haley had a great time! She even got to swing with Daddy! After swinging we walked down to the water. It was a beautiful day & a fantastic way to spend an afternoon! It was fun to just get away for a day and enjoy being with most of my family. I can not wait until we can take Alex with us too!

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