Monday, June 29, 2009

Dad On Duty!

Today Dad stayed home with the girl while Mom spent nearly the entire day running errands and getting chores done! I took a photo of my two girls this morning because they looked so cute loving each other on the couch in their PJs.
I told Dad that he better take some more photos or else I was going to make him write the blog tonight - it worked!
Not too many but better than none & he got some great ones of both girls so I can not complain.
Dad & the Daughters spent most of the day at home - Alex did some chores, Dad did some work & Haley did some playing :) Once Mom came home we had Emily come over to spend the night.
Emily & Alex took Haley on a walk to the park and played with her most of the evening.
They are such cute girls and they love being with Haley - can't ask for much more than that!

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Mom & Dad's Day Off!

We were up last last night because of the hustle & bustle of Alex coming home from The Jonas Brothers concert. Haley did not go to bed until after 11 PM! Since she went down so late, Haley ended up sleeping until after 10 AM - no complaints here! :) Haley ate a late breakfast and played on the floor for a bit. Alex had agreed to babysit Haley this afternoon so Mom & Dad could go out to lunch together - hurray! When we got home from our lunch we were surprised by Grandma Egbert who scooped up both girls and took off for the rest of the afternoon/evening. Mom & Dad were not expecting this break but were SO grateful to have it! Now we can start the week off fresh, ready to tackle the next crazy thing that gets thrown our way! :)

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Bathing Beauty & Jonas Brothers

So today Haley had spaghetti for lunch. She really liked it, obviously.
She certainly is a big fan of food! :) After lunch Mom thought, call me crazy, that Haley needed a bath.
In the tub Haley went!
Haley just loves playing in the tub!
She was having so much fun and looking so cute that Mom could not resist taking about a million photos!
Silly Mom!
Just as Haley was finishing her bath, Grandma Egbert came over to play. We wrapped Haley in her monkey towel.
Grandma dried her off and got her ready to play!
Just as we started to play Mom received a call from her Auntie Robyn with the terrific news that she was able to wrangle up a ticket to the Jonas Brothers for Alex! Auntie Robyn was almost as excited to tell me as I was to tell Alex! Alex was at her friend's house swimming so I called her to tell her I had something I wanted to tell her (not bad!) and headed on over. When Grandma & I got there she ran out with Emily to see what the news was (later I found out she was convinced I was coming to tell her I was pregnant - not this time!) Her reaction was priceless.
After she got over the initial shock she ran around screaming and grabbing her stuff so she could go meet her future husband, Nick Jonas :) On the way back to the house Alex was literally crying because she was so excited - so cute! After she took a shower and changed (what ever would she wear?) she was off! She is still at the concert but she took my camera so I will be sure to put up some photos tomorrow!

Friday, June 26, 2009

Auntie Robyn's Birthday

This morning we had a visit from our Foster Home Certifier, Melissa. She came by to do a home inspection and check in. She is a very nice lady and it makes me feel comfortable knowing she is available to answer questions. Plus she is sending us passes to the Children's Museum, so hurray! After her visit Alex watched Haley for a little bit before we dropped her off at a friend's for a slumber party. Once Alex was situated we headed over to Mom's oldest friend, Robyn, to celebrate her 31st birthday!
Haley had a great time visiting her Auntie Robyn & Mom was thrilled to be able to rub Robyn's ever growing Buddah belly (Haley's future husband, Lyric, is due in September.)
Haley & Robyn just love hanging out :)
Robyn has a friend, Tory, that works at Beaverton Bakery & she made a really cool cake! It not only looked good but it tasted fantastic - yum!
After Haley had her fill of chicken, mac & cheese, fruit & pasta salad it was time to say "Goodbye!" We had a fantastic night and we are looking forward to a very quiet Saturday (no plans!)

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Swinging & Teething - what a day!

So Haley's fourth tooth up top finally broke through. It did not effect her cuteness, but it did seem to effect her mood :) Oh well her cuteness, sweetness & all around loveability by far make up for any cranky day she has! :) We did take the opportunity to try out the new swing Dad installed in the yard. Haley REALLY loved it!
She made her cheesy grin (my favorite!) over and over again!
She was so excited to be moving AND outside - two of her favorites!
This photo is a little blurry but I just love the face she is making!
That girl just cracks me up! I am so lucky to be blessed by an angel like Haley, she really completes our family!

Man, I am slipping!

I can not believe that I missed another day! Roy was in Olympia working all day so I had asked Grandma Egbert to come over during the evening to play with Haley so I could get some of chores around the house done. When Grandma got her she looked at me and told me that I looked exhausted and should lay down for a little nap...that was at 7pm...I woke up at 7:55 AM! Apparently I passed out - on top of the covers, on Roy's side. When Roy came up during the evening he didn't have the heart to wake me up so he just rolled me onto my side and let me sleep. I guess I needed it! :) Let me say, though, that my first thought upon wakinf this morning was "Oh no! My Blog!" :) Luckily I do have a great photo of Haley & Dad to make up for it!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Cheesy Grins & Salon Day with Grammy

So Haley has MASTERED the cheesy grin. She scrunches her face up and smiles with all her cute!
Haley is such a crack up! Other than cracking Mom & Dad up Haley spent her morning playing with Makenna. Now that she can crawl she can really play with the other babies! They had a lot of fun but all the playing sure made Haley hungry! She feasted on fettuccine & chicken.
Needless to say she liked it! She just kept shoveling in. By the end of lunch she was a big creamy mess, but boy was she happy!
After Makenna went home I took the girls to meet Grammy in Beaverton. Grammy took Alex to the hair salon and got her a cut and style. Here is Alex before...
And After...
What a pretty girl! Grammy also took us to Powell's and bought each of us a book (ok I admit that Mom's book was more for Haley...) We had a great time with Grammy & Alex looks great!

Monday, June 22, 2009

The Girl & Grammy - a striking pair!

Crystal was home today so I took the opportunity to take a photo of the cousins. :)
Today Grammy took Haley while I made me some money (I needed after Auntie Shoe RUDELY stole my money on Saturday!) :) Upon arriving home this evening I realized that I was going to have great trouble writing a blog about Haley's day since I had not been much a part of it :( Grammy was kind enough to create some Haley "cliff notes" Since Mom is pooped I will leave you with the Cliff Note version...
Haley & Grammy had a wonderful day together.
1. On the ride to the Westside Haley took a nap in the car
a. Grammy, concerned that the babe needed the sleep drove around through Hillsdale and environs to stretch the ride, but clearly that wasn't long enough
b. in desperation, she drove to Grammy & Papa's house, left Haley sleeping and scooted into the house to call friend Sadie to say, "we're coming over"...mostly because it's a bit of a drive that would give H. more sleep time.
2. Arrived at Sadie's in time for Haley to wake up and be her charming self.
a. Sadie had son Alex's two Australian Sheep Dogs visiting from Arizona, after their initial barking frenzy they calmed down and licked both Grammy and Haley nigh on to death! Not very treacherous dogs, to say the least!
b. Sadie tried to hold Haley, but she was having none of it. Grammy was where she wanted to be and Grammy loved it!
3. Headed to Grammy's
a. Had LINNER (ok, afternoon snack) canned peaches and cottage cheese and a biscuit...what a mess and what fun Haley had smushing it everywhere!
b. Grammy swabs the deck and the kid and they go for some play time in the living room. Grammy puts four toys in four corners of the room and Haley takes off crawling. However, Grammy spots the fact that the cleanup job from snack time was not the best since she'd missed the peach juice on the back of the little one's legs...after a quick trip to the kitchen sink (2nd go round) a sparkling baby is back on the hunt for toys. All four are found and crawling technique improves tremendously!
4. Papa comes home from work & takes a nap, but not before Haley crawls from livingroom into the kitchen to get his attention.
a. Post nap time for Papa, we're off to dinner at Red Robin. Haley enjoys all of the attention from everyone in the restaurant and has her dinner all over herself, Grammy, Papa and the floor! A bit of chicken from Grammy's sandwich, tomatoes chopped up, a French fry (Papa's big idea, which Haley completely devourered much to Grammy's chagrin) and another biscuit!
b. The ride home led to another long nap, this time mostly spent in the carport with Grammy watching and waiting for Daddy to come pick up the well napped, fed and exercised darling!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Father's Day

Today we went to Grammy & Papa's to have a Father's Day brunch. Haley wore her frog dress so she could impress Grammy (Grammy LOVES frogs, ya know)
Suzanne, Hayden, Kate & Rich came over to celebrate the day with us. It was very low key and relaxed. Haley played on the floor and visited with all her family. Rich laid on the floor with Haley - she was completely enthralled with her Uncle Rich! :)
After all the yummy food and great company, Haley was all tuckered out. Luckily, there was a Grammy shoulder not too far away! So adorable!
Since Haley was wiped we took her home and spent the rest of the afternoon at home. Roy set up the camping bed Grandma & Grandpa got him for Dad's Day. Haley loved it! She would bounce herself up and down just squealing with delight.
We wrapped up our day with a small visit to Grandma & Grandpa's. Grandpa has not been feeling well so we made the visit short. The girls gave Grandpa kisses and Haley showed off her new crawling trick. Grandpa was so excited to see her moving! All in all a great Father's Day! The first of many - man I am lucky to be married to one great Dad!

The streak is over...

With much regret I post this too late in the evening/morning to maintain my EVERY day status - but I figure late is better than never. Mom is up late after a fun evening of BBQ & poker with friends :) Liz, my sorority sister from college, came over with her boyfriend Ty, along with Jeff, Shoe & Hayden. We had a great time eating burgers, chatting and playing a friendly game of Texas Hold 'Em. I had a great time and so did Haley! Haley was fascinated with Ty and was so happy when Liz read her Goodnight Moon before bed. It is so nice to have friends who love to hang out with Haley as much as I do! So the BIG news today is Haley is crawling. As I mentioned before she has been crawling a few "steps" here and there - today however she figured it out and was on the go! It was amazing! Out of nowhere she just started crawling, after that there was no
stopping her! What an amazing girl we have!

Friday, June 19, 2009


Today Mom was treated with a day of ultimate relaxation. Merinell is visiting from Napa and she took me to Bonneville Resort.
We took hot mineral baths in these cool tubs. Then we had body wraps. So relaxing. After we walked around the resort and looked at all the cool fountains and gorgeous trees.
It was so beautiful.
We sat in the great room with a HUGE fireplace and had a glass of wine before having a massage.
Oh so nice! She really pampered me!
We had a great dinner and were able to chat. It is always nice talking with her. Despite the complete luxury of the day I still have to say the best part of the day was coming home - as I got to the door Haley was inside having a complete screaming crying meltdown...she stopped the moment she saw me :) Makes a Momma's day!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Just One of Those Days

Today was just one of those days - things didn't go horribly wrong, they just refused to go right. Everything took three times longer than it should have & Haley's schedule was just a little "off" - she just now went down to bed (11:05!) Surprising since she barely took a nap. C'est la vie. Anyway not too much exciting to share other than Haley really is crawling forward now. She only does it sporadically and only can go a few feet but none the less - progress! Any day now she will be cruising around, sharing her cuteness with the world! She definitely likes the new found freedom and LOVES being able to pull herself up on things and stand there.
What a strong girl!
She just gives you the greatest looks!
Look at me Mom! :)
It is a new show every day!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Another BBQ & Batboy!

Today Alex came home from camping with Crystal. She said she had a hard time the first night but all in all had a good time. She was pretty tired and ready for a shower though! Crystal took some really cute photos during their trip.
This photo is by far the best - she is digging a hole to "do her business" and apparently wanted some privacy - the look on her face is priceless!
After a shower Alex was ready to join the family for a BBQ with the Grandparents. We made burgers and Grammy brought over potato & pasta salad - yum! After dinner Grammy, Papa, Haley & I all went on a stroll.
The weather was great and it was nice to walk and chat with the Grammy & Papa! After our walk we ate some strawberry shortcake and sat around and visited.
We took the opportunity to get another family photo.
And one of just Grammy, Papa & the girls.
I love having family over for dinner! It always gives us something to look forward to and Haley always has such a good time! After Grammy & Papa left I laid down on the couch with Tank.
Before I knew what happened he had turned into his alter ego -Batboy! Ha! I love that dog!