Monday, July 20, 2009

Vacation - Portland to Medford, Medford to Sacramento

Dad, Haley & Mom left July 9th headed toward California with the intention of staying the night in Medford and having dinner with family. We had a fairly uneventful trip down. When we got to the hotel we were able to take Haley for a little dip in the pool before we needed to get ready for dinner.
Haley sure loves being in the water! She splashed and grinned and generally had a fantastic time!
After a little swimming we got Haley dressed and headed to the Jacksonville Inn for a fantastic dinner with the Batzer clan (cousins from my Mom's side.) There was about twenty-five people at the restaurant at dinner. The food was fantastic and Haley had a great time eating and meeting new relatives! My cousin, Mary Jo, was so amazed that Haley had red hair and some of the other features that tend to run on my side of the is really neat when people still think Haley looks like me :) I guess we just got really lucky with that one! The restaurant was really delicious and Haley LOVED the carrots they served. She ate all of mine & some of Dad's! When the waitress tried to pick up the remaining carrots, Haley kept reaching toward the plate trying to take funny! Haley was such a good girl. We were there for over two hours but she did not seem to mind at all! She just ate, visited with her new "people" and made cheesy grins at all that walked by.
When we were leaving the waitress said "she is one of the best babies that has ever been here, actually I think she is the BEST baby who has eaten here!" Makes a Momma proud! After dinner we went back to the hotel and got ready for bed. Haley, Dad & Tank all laid down on the bed to rest.
They sure looked sweet.
Haley ended up falling asleep in Mom's arms before being placed in her portable crib. She woke up quite early but was content in taking a long nap in Mom's arms - despite the fact that Mom could no longer sleep she was quite content laying there with her sweet girl in her arms. We got up in the morning and headed off to Sacramento. Haley did so great in the car! She rarely fussed and generally had a good time playing with her toys and "talking" to Mom about everything she saw. She took several naps and we were in Sacramento before she got too terribly fussy! We headed straight over to Great Grandma Diane's house. She is actually Haley's Great GREAT Grandma, which I thought was pretty cool! We dubbed her Great Great. The first night was very calm and we just got settled in and relaxed from our trip.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful pictures and stories! Love the green dress Haley wore to meet the Batzers!
