Sunday, July 19, 2009

Home From California!

We are finally home! I know you all missed my updates but rest assured I am back and in action! We had a great trip but MAN are we exhausted! Isn't it funny when you need a vacation after your vacation? We really got a lot of visiting in though! It was really neat to be able to introduce Haley to so many new relatives - Cousins, Great Uncles & Aunts, even Great GREAT Grandma's & Grandpa's! It really was an incredible trip! I will begin posting about our incredible journey but for now I will leave you with a couple of my favorites from our trip!


  1. Love it that you're back on the blog and I get to see pictures of my family again! What a great weekend we had!!!

  2. All the pictures are adorable but I love the last one with Roy and Hailey. TOO CUTE!!
