Sunday, July 5, 2009

A Full Day, at least once it started!

So Haley thought that she was a teenager today and decided to sleep in until noon! Silly girl must have been pooped out from all the hustle & bustle on the 4th! Once Haley did wake up we all went and met Grandma & Grandpa and a friend of Alex's, Jacqui & her Mom at Chang's. Haley decided that Chang's was pretty cool. She pretty much is down with any place where she gets to eat! After lunch Jacqui came home with us so she could spend the night. All of us girls got in to our swimsuits and headed over to Jesse's to enjoy his pool. Hayden & Shoe came and met us there. Haley played in the pool for quite a while.
She sat on the steps, moved herself along the wall and went swimming around with Mom.
The girls looked so sweet together in the pool!
Haley started getting sleepy so Dad drove over and picked her up. We stayed and Alex tried about 100 times to dunk me, quite unsuccessfully. I did however dunk her back about 100 times. She really was tenacious but she can't get me...yet. Unfortunately I did not get many photos because, like always, my camera battery died right in the middle of the fun! Doh! Anyway, after swimming we picked up Dad, who had dropped Haley off to visit with Grandma & Grandpa, and took the girls, Hayden & Shoe to Wunderland. Since I am super cool I won Alex a neat Disco ball light (2000 tickets sucka!) :) OK, Dad helped win the tickets... So another fun Egbert day! This upcoming week is going to be nuts...court dates, appointments & we leave for California!

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