Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sacramento Friday-Sunday

Alex, Grandma, Dad, Mom & Haley all stayed at Great Great's house for the first few days of our arrival to Sacramento.
Great Great had Parkinson's and so has a lot of trouble moving and going out. We did manage to get her out of the house a couple times during our visit though - which is so good for her! On Saturday we got her into a wheelchair and walked her down with Grandpa, Grandpa & the girls to the Roseville Flea/Farmer's Market for a couple of hours.
It was really huge and I could not believe the amazing selection of fruit & veggies - and so cheap!
Alex went crazy by clothes from the various vendors with the money her Great Grandpa Ernie gave her for being such a stellar student & kid! She had so much fun going into the different stalls and getting incredible bargains on cute clothes!
Roy and I didn't get to see much of the market between pushing Haley & Great Great around and trying to keep an eye on Alex so we ended up going there the next morning, alone, for a couple hours, but we will get to that later :) After the market we all headed over to visit Haley's Great Uncle Davy who lived nearby.
He had a pool in the backyard so all of us girls took the opportunity to take a swim.
Haley loved floating around in her little "floaty boat" and Alex & I had a great time jumping in and goofing around.
The sun went down and it got pretty cold fast but we had a good time while it lasted.
We ate some BBQ hamburgers & visited for a while before heading back to Great Great's. The next morning Dad & Mom snuck off to the flea market and had a more leisurely walk around the place. We got a peek a block turtle for Haley and a princess crown bag for Mom but mostly we just enjoyed a little Mom & Dad alone time. I also spotted a couple pinatas I would not mind taking a bat to...
After we left the flea market we picked up the two girls and headed over to Great Uncle Bobby's house to meet Mom's cousin Lauren and her 6 month old baby Alexito. Alexito is so cute!
Haley had a great time playing and trying to grab his face.
She loves being around other babies so she just had a ball!
It was great to see everyone! Great Aunt Betty cooked a fabulous ham dinner and we had a fantastic time visiting!
After our visit we headed over for a quick visit with Grandpa who was staying at Great Grandpa Ernie's place. Great Grandpa Ernie took us girls to the pool at his mobile park so we could go swimming. Great Grandpa's pool is really nice, it is salt water instead of chlorine so you feel really clean and refreshed after swimming in it. We had a lot of fun swimming around with Haley and playing in the pool. After swimming we left Alex there to spend the night and headed back to Great Great's with Haley to spend a final night the

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you guys were constantly on the GO GO GO. What fun to see Bobby and Loren and her little guy!
