Tuesday, July 28, 2009


This morning Makenna came over to play and try to stay cool in this crazy heat. Kristine brought over a ladybug float for the pool that she had got for Makenna but Makenna did not like it so we thought we would see what Haley thought. After Makenna went home Mom took Alex & Haley to meet Auntie Shoe, Hayden & Tayler at the pool at Red Tail Canyon (where Dee works) to go swimming and try out the new ladybug!
As luck would have it Haley loved the ladybug float!
She had a great time floating around in her shaded toy and making cheesy grins at all the people she saw!
It was a nice welcome relief from the heat!
We had a great time splashing around and taking underwater photos!

Did I mention that my friend Shoe is a dork? That is why we get along so well :)
The kids played for a little bit before I needed to take Haley home - she was a little tired and about to get really fussy. We headed home and Alex read her stories as we all tried to keep cool. Apparently Shoe was trying to win BFF of the year because a few hours later she called and said she had another a/c unit we could use! Three cheers for Shoe & Jeff. We jumped at the opportunity and went and picked it up ASAP! Since it is supposed to be 107 degrees on Wednesday it is a very welcome gift! Auntie Shoe rocks! Oh on a side note Haley's back molars are coming in - 107 degree heat and molar teething - hurray! Maybe that is why she gave me this look...


  1. What GREAT pictures!! The "If looks could kill" look should make you very afraid of her teen years! Molars and weather are not a duo that anyone would like to live through.

  2. I'm so glad Haley liked the float! I had been wanting to buy it forever and was hugely disappointed when Makenna rejected it. So I'm so glad that you're getting use out of it.

  3. alex looks like she is pooping in the pic of her and I!! LOL!!

  4. That is what I said too! Alex of course got all mad at me and vehemently denied it but I totally thought so also! Ha!
