Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Rest Of Our Time In California

Sorry I have not been so great about getting my posts up this week but things have been hectic! Just trying to get our household in order and catching up on stuff we missed on vacation! Things are going to stay pretty busy through the weekend but I am hoping for some peace next week! Roy & I were able to sneak away last night, while Alex was at a friend's & Grandma watched Haleykins, Mom & Dad had a nice dinner at Stanford' nice! It was the first time we BOTH got to eat AND ou meal was still hot! Other than that the week has just been filled with errands and housework. I will however share the rest of our time in Sacramento with you.
So on Monday we "moved" from Great Great's house over to Great Great Grandpa Ernie's. Before we made the move we joined all of Grandma's side of the family at the Casino that was nearby.
We took Haley to the buffet and she thought she had hit the jackpot! She was shoveling all sorts of food into her mouth at quite the pace.
I am pretty sure she ate more than I did & I am absolutely positive that she had more in her lap than anyone ate! Since we had the girl we headed over to Grandpa's after lunch leaving the rest of them to play a few slots. The Grandpa's were really excited to have company and they took us to the pool every day! The pool was so great, especially since it was 103 degrees out most of the time we were there!
Haley got a chance to wear almost every swimsuit she owns! The two Grandpa's had fun just sitting poolside and watching us.
We had a lot of fun in that pool! On Tuesday Grandma, Great Great, Great Aunt Annette & Great Uncle Davy all wanted to go to the casino again so Alex agreed to watch Haley while Mom & Dad snuck away for a couple hours.
Mom & Dad had a good time and amazingly even won $80 before heading back to their girls! When we went back we attempted to go to a cruise-in, I say attempted because we got the times wrong and they were just closing up when we got there. We did manage to get a photo with the only car that was still there.
After we went to Lew's Diner and got some burgers - yum!
On Wednesday we took Alex to the local Water Park, Raging Waters, while Haley hung out with Grandma at Great Great's.
We had a really great time going on all the different slides.
I think we had the most fun, though, floating around the "lazy river" and jumping around in the wave pool.
It was really neat having the new camera since it is waterproof we were able to get some really good photos. Even some underwater shots!
We had a great time but by the end we were all talking about how much we missed Haley! :) On Thursday we planned on heading part way home. Grandma's car broke down and we got delayed in leaving so we did not start heading out until 9:30 PM. We drove as long as we could and stayed in Yreka for a FEW hours of sleep (think 3:30 check in, early check out) before making our way to Lincoln City to meet Grammy & Papa for some relaxing days at the beach. For that, though, you will have to wait until tomorrow - this Mama's tired!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for keeping the story of the trip going. I LOVE the video!!
