Monday, July 27, 2009

Children's Museum

Today was HOT! Haley and I decided to beat the heat and go to the Children's Museum and enjoy the baby playground and air conditioning!
We went with Annie, Chloe & Renee. Haley had a great time crawling around, putting things in her mouth and pulling herself up on stuff. She also learned that she could climb up stairs (which we practiced again at home and she climbed the whole flight!)
She especially liked playing with Annie in the fake campground.
They also could not get enough of bouncing on the waterbed in the baby garden!

While we were playing in the dig station (which was really mostly just Mom making sure that Haley did not eat any of the tiny rubber pieces) I overheard a kid say "That baby has a mohawk!" I of course knew who he was talking about! Too funny!
All in all it was a great time! I can not believe that it was so hot today! We spent the rest of the day just relaxing and trying to beat the heat. We are definitely going to need to go swimming tomorrow!


  1. It looks like you guys had a wonderful day at the museum. It's nice for Haley to have friends to "hang with" in the cool environs.
    Keep cool!

  2. I'm ridiculously jealous of Annie's hair. Makenna needs to start growing some hair ASAP!
