Monday, July 6, 2009

The Day That Just Didn't Stop

Today started by Mom waking up to a sound she had never heard before but knew UNMISTAKABLY was Dad falling down the stairs. Mom shot up like a rocket, screaming her head off, before being relieved to find Dad shocked, but alright! He is a little bumped and bruised but no major injuries - thankfully! The rest of the day continued as hectically as it began. I do not think I have sat down for more than five minutes until just now! So the day was crazy, Dad escaped injury or possible death, and the Egbert family got one step closer to being able to leave on their trip to California!


  1. thank GOD he's safe and the little one wasn't in his arms! Give him lots of love and ibuprophen to get him feeling better. Know that Granny loves him.

  2. I know...I just kept saying "Thank God you weren't carrying Haley!"
