Friday, July 3, 2009

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggety Jig

I awoke this morning, away from my baby, with a water leak dripping right on my face. In other words, I have had better mornings. After having gotten about two hours of sleep, I packed up my car as quickly as possible and started heading home. I could not wait! I had been driving for about 45 minutes when I came to the horrifying decision that I was going to either need to pull over and take a nap or take a very large chance of falling asleep at the wheel. I found a nice shady parking spot at a nearby rest area, locked all my doors and passed out for about 45 minutes. Once I had been a little energized the rest of the trip home did not seem so daunting. I was so happy to finally get home. Haley seemed happy to see her Mama too. Since she is crawling everywhere she has a hard time wearing dresses - she may have looked silly with her dress tucked in her "bloomers" but it sure did the trick!
After a nice hot shower and a short nap it was time to go to dinner with Jesse. Today was Jesse's birthday so Haley & I took him to Todai's sushi buffet - so good! Haley was tickled pink at the grand selection of goodies to shove in her mouth! She ate a small piece of salmon, prime rib, rice, avocado, melon, pineapple, noodles & more!
She was one very messy, but quite happy, baby when she was done!
After such a big dinner the girls we both tired. Haley is in her crib, mom is in her bed and sleep is not far behind! I included a couple photos of the stage at the festival last night - it was pretty neat all lit up :)

1 comment:

  1. I'm very glad that you decided to pull over! Much better than driving when you're too tired.

    Good to see that you discovered the tuck-the-dress in the panties trick! Helps Haley crawl and you get to laugh at the fashion faux pas!
