Saturday, July 4, 2009

Haley's First 4th of July!

Wow! Today was a BUSY one! We all slept in (Mom more than others thanks to a VERY kind gesture from Dad.) Once the house was awake we all were busy getting ready to go to Aunt Kate's BBQ (that started at 11:30 but WE thought started at 2!)
We had a great time despite the mix up! Haley really liked the BBQ. She had a huge mix of pasta salads, fruit, cheese and hot dog pieces that she indiscriminately shoved in her mouth. She was in heaven! Great food and her family - an incredible combo! We took the opportunity to take some group photos.
We got some good ones with Grammy, Papa & the Girls...
Haley with Aunt Kate & Uncle Rich (Haley is looking at Rich like "I make the Cheesy Grins Around Hare!")...
and even a cute one of just Mom & Dad!
After the BBQ we took Haley home for a much needed nap! After some rest the Sweet One was ready for more Independence Day fun! We walked over to Annie & Chloe's Grandma's house (which is right around the corner) and played in the pool for a bit! Haley loved standing on the edge and banging on the side of the pool. She kept looking at all the different boys at BBQ and giving them cheesy grins - Little Flirt! I am glad that we took Haley to swim lessons early so that she has never had a fear of the water. She loves splashing around and getting wet!
After she was done in the pool it was time to sit on the picnic blanket and eat berries & melon!
Haley loves the holidays - there is always so much yummy food!
As the sun went down we started lighting some fireworks.
We had a really exciting time with the black snakes & smoke balls. I could barely contain my excitement...
We lit a few small fireworks and Haley liked them, at first.
After a few minutes it was just too much for her so Mom took her home. We played in the living room and read some stories. After a while Alex got bored and came home. She played with Haley and let me run back over to get a few photos & light a sparkler or two :)
I even managed to get a cute photo of Roy & I :)
All in all a fun 4th of July -however Haley decided she didn't need to go to sleep until 11:30 (which I pray means for another morning of sleeping in - knock on wood!)

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful pictures of a full day! I love the ones you Mom and Dad. Mom doesn't get enough pictures taken of her...she's usually the photographer. Not fair!
