Friday, July 24, 2009

The Beach With Grammy & Papa

Instead of going home to Portland, we took a detour and met Grammy & Papa in Lincoln City for a very fun and relaxing weekend at the beach. Upon arrival we were greeted with a yummy manicotti dinner and a fantastic view of the ocean! Haley LOVED standing by the window, staring at the ocean, yelling "Da Da" & pounding on the glass. At one point Alex was sitting with her by the window and Alex said "No Da Da is over there, that is ocean" it was pretty cute :)
We had a really great weekend. We spent most of the time hanging out in the hotel and playing with Haley but we did manage a trip to the outlet mall - had to get some cute clothes for the girls. We also went down to the beach and enjoyed the beautiful, and very cold & windy, ocean air.

Haley thought the sand was really cool until she tried rubbing her eye and realized it didn't feel so hot. After lots of gentle brushing and blowing she was good as new and ready to play with her bucket & shovel again!
Before we left we had to get the almost required lunch at Mo's. So good! The weekend was fantastic and much needed! It was nice to have a little bit of time to just chill out before heading home.
When we finally got home on Sunday we were all relieved to finally just be at our house & sleep in our beds - in fact the first night back Haley slept from 9 pm until 11:45 am, talk about a tired girl!

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