Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Court Date

Today was our long anticipated court review. Things went really well. Both Kayla & Danny showed up and told the court that they would be willing to sign over their rights IF Haley was placed for adoption with us. I proud that they are both trying to do what is best for Haley & trying to take care of themselves & stay safe. Since they showed up it should help things proceed along more quickly. Now we still have more waiting to do but things remain positive. I don't know what I would do without Haley & it makes me happy that Kayla & Danny feel comfortable with us raising Haley & know that we will provide her with all the love and stability she needs! We leave for California tomorrow morning so I better get some rest! All our love to all our friends and family! Thank you for continuing to keep us in your prayers!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited for all of you! Things couldn't have gone better! :)
