Friday, July 31, 2009

Finally It Has Cooled Down!

The sun decided to give up poor Portland pansy's a break from it's relentless heat! Haley was so happy! She slept in really late and woke up in a great mood! Mom had a doctor's appointment - all checked out well - that is until the drive home when the car just died! Lame! Luckily it turned out to be only a battery cable but it certainly put a kink in the day! So another day with no photos! Tomorrow I promise! Haley is progressing so much every day. She can stand for 30 seconds + with no support and she walked from the living room to the t.v. room at Grammy's while only holding on to Grammy with one hand! She is going to start walking soon and then everybody better watch out 'cause here comes cuteness!

The last two days...

It has been too hot to blog! In fact it has been pretty much too hot to do anything to blog about so I guess it works out :) Today I woke up for the first time NOT drenched in sweat so I think it just might be a good day!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


This morning Makenna came over to play and try to stay cool in this crazy heat. Kristine brought over a ladybug float for the pool that she had got for Makenna but Makenna did not like it so we thought we would see what Haley thought. After Makenna went home Mom took Alex & Haley to meet Auntie Shoe, Hayden & Tayler at the pool at Red Tail Canyon (where Dee works) to go swimming and try out the new ladybug!
As luck would have it Haley loved the ladybug float!
She had a great time floating around in her shaded toy and making cheesy grins at all the people she saw!
It was a nice welcome relief from the heat!
We had a great time splashing around and taking underwater photos!

Did I mention that my friend Shoe is a dork? That is why we get along so well :)
The kids played for a little bit before I needed to take Haley home - she was a little tired and about to get really fussy. We headed home and Alex read her stories as we all tried to keep cool. Apparently Shoe was trying to win BFF of the year because a few hours later she called and said she had another a/c unit we could use! Three cheers for Shoe & Jeff. We jumped at the opportunity and went and picked it up ASAP! Since it is supposed to be 107 degrees on Wednesday it is a very welcome gift! Auntie Shoe rocks! Oh on a side note Haley's back molars are coming in - 107 degree heat and molar teething - hurray! Maybe that is why she gave me this look...

Monday, July 27, 2009

Children's Museum

Today was HOT! Haley and I decided to beat the heat and go to the Children's Museum and enjoy the baby playground and air conditioning!
We went with Annie, Chloe & Renee. Haley had a great time crawling around, putting things in her mouth and pulling herself up on stuff. She also learned that she could climb up stairs (which we practiced again at home and she climbed the whole flight!)
She especially liked playing with Annie in the fake campground.
They also could not get enough of bouncing on the waterbed in the baby garden!

While we were playing in the dig station (which was really mostly just Mom making sure that Haley did not eat any of the tiny rubber pieces) I overheard a kid say "That baby has a mohawk!" I of course knew who he was talking about! Too funny!
All in all it was a great time! I can not believe that it was so hot today! We spent the rest of the day just relaxing and trying to beat the heat. We are definitely going to need to go swimming tomorrow!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Robyn's Baby Shower

Today Mom & Haley went to Robyn's baby shower. Robyn's son, Lyric Rylee, is due in September and Haley can not wait to meet him! Mom made Haley a cute tutu in the colors for the shower. Haley looked really adorable but since the tutu was not conducive to crawling she was not a big fan. She kept it on for a few photos but was crawling around in just her bodysuit before too long. Oh well!
Mom got to see a few of her college friends that she had not seen for a couple years (and some she has seen) so it was really fun for her.
One of our really good friends, Stacy is also pregnant - Robyn & Stacy are due within a week of each other!
It was too hot for much more than that and Haley was EXHAUSTED so after the shower we all just stayed in trying to stay cool. It was a really busy day but a really good one!

Friday, July 24, 2009

The Beach With Grammy & Papa

Instead of going home to Portland, we took a detour and met Grammy & Papa in Lincoln City for a very fun and relaxing weekend at the beach. Upon arrival we were greeted with a yummy manicotti dinner and a fantastic view of the ocean! Haley LOVED standing by the window, staring at the ocean, yelling "Da Da" & pounding on the glass. At one point Alex was sitting with her by the window and Alex said "No Da Da is over there, that is ocean" it was pretty cute :)
We had a really great weekend. We spent most of the time hanging out in the hotel and playing with Haley but we did manage a trip to the outlet mall - had to get some cute clothes for the girls. We also went down to the beach and enjoyed the beautiful, and very cold & windy, ocean air.

Haley thought the sand was really cool until she tried rubbing her eye and realized it didn't feel so hot. After lots of gentle brushing and blowing she was good as new and ready to play with her bucket & shovel again!
Before we left we had to get the almost required lunch at Mo's. So good! The weekend was fantastic and much needed! It was nice to have a little bit of time to just chill out before heading home.
When we finally got home on Sunday we were all relieved to finally just be at our house & sleep in our beds - in fact the first night back Haley slept from 9 pm until 11:45 am, talk about a tired girl!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

The Rest Of Our Time In California

Sorry I have not been so great about getting my posts up this week but things have been hectic! Just trying to get our household in order and catching up on stuff we missed on vacation! Things are going to stay pretty busy through the weekend but I am hoping for some peace next week! Roy & I were able to sneak away last night, while Alex was at a friend's & Grandma watched Haleykins, Mom & Dad had a nice dinner at Stanford' nice! It was the first time we BOTH got to eat AND ou meal was still hot! Other than that the week has just been filled with errands and housework. I will however share the rest of our time in Sacramento with you.
So on Monday we "moved" from Great Great's house over to Great Great Grandpa Ernie's. Before we made the move we joined all of Grandma's side of the family at the Casino that was nearby.
We took Haley to the buffet and she thought she had hit the jackpot! She was shoveling all sorts of food into her mouth at quite the pace.
I am pretty sure she ate more than I did & I am absolutely positive that she had more in her lap than anyone ate! Since we had the girl we headed over to Grandpa's after lunch leaving the rest of them to play a few slots. The Grandpa's were really excited to have company and they took us to the pool every day! The pool was so great, especially since it was 103 degrees out most of the time we were there!
Haley got a chance to wear almost every swimsuit she owns! The two Grandpa's had fun just sitting poolside and watching us.
We had a lot of fun in that pool! On Tuesday Grandma, Great Great, Great Aunt Annette & Great Uncle Davy all wanted to go to the casino again so Alex agreed to watch Haley while Mom & Dad snuck away for a couple hours.
Mom & Dad had a good time and amazingly even won $80 before heading back to their girls! When we went back we attempted to go to a cruise-in, I say attempted because we got the times wrong and they were just closing up when we got there. We did manage to get a photo with the only car that was still there.
After we went to Lew's Diner and got some burgers - yum!
On Wednesday we took Alex to the local Water Park, Raging Waters, while Haley hung out with Grandma at Great Great's.
We had a really great time going on all the different slides.
I think we had the most fun, though, floating around the "lazy river" and jumping around in the wave pool.
It was really neat having the new camera since it is waterproof we were able to get some really good photos. Even some underwater shots!
We had a great time but by the end we were all talking about how much we missed Haley! :) On Thursday we planned on heading part way home. Grandma's car broke down and we got delayed in leaving so we did not start heading out until 9:30 PM. We drove as long as we could and stayed in Yreka for a FEW hours of sleep (think 3:30 check in, early check out) before making our way to Lincoln City to meet Grammy & Papa for some relaxing days at the beach. For that, though, you will have to wait until tomorrow - this Mama's tired!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Sacramento Friday-Sunday

Alex, Grandma, Dad, Mom & Haley all stayed at Great Great's house for the first few days of our arrival to Sacramento.
Great Great had Parkinson's and so has a lot of trouble moving and going out. We did manage to get her out of the house a couple times during our visit though - which is so good for her! On Saturday we got her into a wheelchair and walked her down with Grandpa, Grandpa & the girls to the Roseville Flea/Farmer's Market for a couple of hours.
It was really huge and I could not believe the amazing selection of fruit & veggies - and so cheap!
Alex went crazy by clothes from the various vendors with the money her Great Grandpa Ernie gave her for being such a stellar student & kid! She had so much fun going into the different stalls and getting incredible bargains on cute clothes!
Roy and I didn't get to see much of the market between pushing Haley & Great Great around and trying to keep an eye on Alex so we ended up going there the next morning, alone, for a couple hours, but we will get to that later :) After the market we all headed over to visit Haley's Great Uncle Davy who lived nearby.
He had a pool in the backyard so all of us girls took the opportunity to take a swim.
Haley loved floating around in her little "floaty boat" and Alex & I had a great time jumping in and goofing around.
The sun went down and it got pretty cold fast but we had a good time while it lasted.
We ate some BBQ hamburgers & visited for a while before heading back to Great Great's. The next morning Dad & Mom snuck off to the flea market and had a more leisurely walk around the place. We got a peek a block turtle for Haley and a princess crown bag for Mom but mostly we just enjoyed a little Mom & Dad alone time. I also spotted a couple pinatas I would not mind taking a bat to...
After we left the flea market we picked up the two girls and headed over to Great Uncle Bobby's house to meet Mom's cousin Lauren and her 6 month old baby Alexito. Alexito is so cute!
Haley had a great time playing and trying to grab his face.
She loves being around other babies so she just had a ball!
It was great to see everyone! Great Aunt Betty cooked a fabulous ham dinner and we had a fantastic time visiting!
After our visit we headed over for a quick visit with Grandpa who was staying at Great Grandpa Ernie's place. Great Grandpa Ernie took us girls to the pool at his mobile park so we could go swimming. Great Grandpa's pool is really nice, it is salt water instead of chlorine so you feel really clean and refreshed after swimming in it. We had a lot of fun swimming around with Haley and playing in the pool. After swimming we left Alex there to spend the night and headed back to Great Great's with Haley to spend a final night the