Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Circle of Security & Time With Grammy

Grammy got to see Haley AGAIN - she sure is a lucky lady! :) Grammy watched Haley while Mom went to her first Circle of Security class. Circle of Security is a class offered by Hearing and Speech Institute (or the "toot" so I am told) which is where Grammy works. The class teaches parents to read clues in their child to help better understand their needs and offer them the security they need to build confidence to explore the world around them. It seems like it will be an interesting and beneficial class.
I think that half the reason my mom got me into the class was so that she could watch Haley while I was at it! Oh well, Haley looks like she had a ball with Grammy in her Johnny Jump Up! Grammy was so impressed at how well Haley could sit up by herself! Grammy said Haley sat up all by herself for 20 minutes! She is getting so strong and learning so FAST now. Grammy took a photo of the girl sitting up and now I just have to ask - did you drug my baby? That is not OK.
She also got to spend some quality time with her Papa! If I could get a good shot of BOTH of them in the same photo I would pass out (PM wins this time)This weekend Alex told me "I love how everyone loves her so much!" Roy & I love it too.

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