Monday, March 16, 2009

Sorry for being lame...

So I am sorry for being lame and I will try to be much better about keeping this thinkg updated but things have been a little hectic lately! We became the official foster parents for Haley on January 27th. It was so exciting but so crazy too! We only found out a little more than a week before that we would actually be getting her so we did not have very much time to get everything ready. But, we a lot of help from friends, we were able to get her room set up and were pretty well prepared the day we got her! Haley has been doing really great in our house. She has become such a happy & sweet baby!
She loves Tank so much! He is such a good boy he just sits there next her letting her pull his fur being so patient as we try to teach her to pet not pull! He also loves to come any lay by her when she is playing on the floor. He often will go get one of his toys and lay next to her. He does not want the cats to get anywhere near her! I think it is half protection and half jealousy :) She is so fascinated by everything in the world. She is always looking around and taking everything in. She loves watching Tank and his "cousin" Henry play and gets fixated on ceiling fans and overhead lights. Her doctor and early interventionist say she is doing REALLY well. She has caught up on her developmental milestones and just seems to be learning more and more each day! She started eating solids a few weeks ago and has really been enjoying eating! She gets really excited and kicks her legs and opens & closes her hands whenever we feed her. The only food she has not liked so far is squash - can you blame her? She has been having such a great time visiting with friends & family! She is such a lucky girl to have so many people who love her!

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