Monday, March 23, 2009

7 Months!

Today Haley is 7 months old! Wow! We are so lucky to have her! Today was also Hayden's 10th birthday so he came over to spend the night. Auntie Shoe dropped him off and could not resist giving Haley some kisses & tickles! Mostly Hayden just wants to come over to play video games but he paused for a moment to eat chicken nuggets and blow out candles on a cake. Oh, and he was briefly distracted by Miss Sweet Cheeks herself. He is so sweet and cute with her! Alex is still here visiting and continues to have fun playing with Haley! It is nice to have her here for Spring Break.

1 comment:

  1. Bubbles Baby! How wonderful! It's the perfect picture of Alex and Haley...What a wonderful young lady Alex is turning into. Give her love from us.
