Saturday, March 28, 2009

Rolling Over & Tummy Troubles

We stayed in most of the day today. It is quite sad but this is how we now entertain ourselves. Oh how the times have changed! The boy does not like it when Mommy gets bored! In the early afternoon Haley got a little upset tummy. Roy was holding her and she threw up on him. Poor baby! It was quite awesome however because it coincidentally was when I was taking a photo of Roy kissing the girl...and that is how the greatest photo on earth came to be!
Haley is really getting good at rolling over! It is so great! She had done it once about a month and a half ago but had not done it again until yesterday. Now she seems to really have the hang of it! Just watch her go! Pushing up. Starting the twist. And the big finish!
Grandma Egbert has not been feeling well and we had to take her into the emergency room this morning. She is doing all right but she needs a lot of rest! She will be staying at the hospital, at least for tonight. We send her our best wishes and love!

1 comment:

  1. Rolling over, rolling over our Haley's strong and rolling over!
