Wednesday, March 25, 2009


So Haley tried prunes today - and man did she LOVE them! She ate an entire small container of them and then continued to keep her mouth open waiting for more. She then ate another ENTIRE container of them! After she finished the second one she kept opening her mouth for more but I was already afraid of what was going to come out of her from eating two! After dinner Haley got a bath. After bath and a bottle Haley was SO tired! Mom tried to keep her up (just a little longer) but it was all too clear it was time for bed - she kept nodding off in Mom's arms.
Alex is still staying with us for spring break. I let her friend Hannah spend the night again because I am super nice :) Crystal took them to the mall and they also took Alex's little boyfriend - so cute! I made Crystal take my camera to take pictures. Then after they came to the house so I could check him out. Alex was COMPLETELY embarrassed - so awesome!

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