Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Haley's 1st St. Patrick's Day

Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Haley had a very busy St. Patrick's Day! Her morning started with a visit from the early interventionist. She worked with Haley for nearly an hour! She was so impressed with how well Haley was doing and how tolerant she has become with being on her belly. The early interventionist worked with Roy & I, teaching us different positions to work with Haley in to help Haley strengthen and train the muscles she will need to meet her next developmental milestones.
The early interventionist used a stuff monkey to help Roy learn each position. After Early Intervention was over it was time to meet Grandma Karry for lunch! We picked her up and had lunch at Buffalo Gap - yum! Haley had fun being loved by her Grammy!
After lunch and visiting with Grandma it was time to get dressed up to meet Uncle RJ at his house for some dinner and a little Uncle Monkey Swinging! But first we needed to stop by Grandma Egberts so she could see sweet Haley in her St. Patty's Day dress!What a pretty girl all dressed up to see Uncle!
Haley played in her bumbo and intently watched everything Henry was doing!
By the end of the evening (and after a very lovely poop explosion) she was no longer in her pretty green dress - as they say poop happens!

All in all it was a great St. Patty's day filled with lots of people who love Miss Haley! Who could ask for anything more?


  1. whew I can finally exhale, I have waiting ever so patiently for an update. It sees you are doing wonderfully.
