Thursday, March 26, 2009

Fun at Grammy's!

Today I took Alex, Hannah & Haley over to Grammy's so the girls could scrapbook. Alex & Hannah had fun upstairs making their projects while Haley got to visit Grammy. Grammy & Papa took Haley to dinner with Aunt Christina & Cousin Sandy while I ran a few errands (preparations for a certain Easter Eggstravaganza). After dinner they brought Haley (with an exploded diaper - lucky me) back to the house before Grammy, Christina, Sandy, and her friend Breena went off to see plays. Papa & I hung out playing with Haley while the girls finished their projects. It is so fun to see Haley so happy being loved by her family!

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the picture of Haley and Grammy! What a great time we had!

    The blow out was unbelievable...a result, no doubt of the prunes!
