Monday, March 30, 2009

A long night and a calm day

So I think Haley has not been feeling herself lately. She had a very hard time sleeping last night. She woke up every two hours or so and had trouble getting back to sleep. It made for a long night for Haley & Mom. She was up for good before eight and was pretty cranky. She was sleepy and moody all day but refused to take much of a nap. She did not have a fever or upset tummy today but she was not her normal happy Haley. Hopefully she will be feeling better tomorrow - we need to go visit Grammy! We did not take any photos of our lazy day, but I did go pick up photos of Hayden's party yesterday so I will share some of those!

Our great friends, The Howard Family!
Grammy & Papa
Blowing Out the Candles
Grammy & Haley

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