Sunday, March 29, 2009

Hayden's Party & Uncle Monkey Swings

Today Haley got all dressed up to go to Hayden's birthday party. She got to see her Auntie Shoe & her Grammy & Papa! What a lucky girl! Her best friend Makenna was there too! It was very exciting to see all the kids running around the party - maybe too much! Haley got a little cranky by the end and was asleep before the car was even moving!
After the party and a nice nap we made a quick visit to see Grandma Egbert in the hospital. She is doing OK, just really tired still. She is out of the ICU and should be released on Tuesday. It was nice to visit with her for a bit and see that she was doing better.
After we went to Uncles so he could feed Mom & Dad delicious pasta...mmmmmm. Mom just realized she forgot to steal leftovers :( Uncle fed Haley a little leftover pumpkin - apparently she is not a fan, she made a little pouty face when he fed her some and when that did not get her point across she full-on gagged! She cracks me up!
It is so nice to see how much Uncle loves Haley! They are so cute together! Haley also can not resist a good Uncle Monkey Swing - and of course nobody does it better than the original!


  1. Ah! Now I get it Uncle Monkey Swing looks like fun!! Clearly both Uncle and Baby love it!

  2. Ah - ha now I know what uncle monkey swing looks like :)

    Looks like she's having fun
