Saturday, March 21, 2009

Alex Starts Her Visit

Since Spring Break is in session our niece Alex came over to spend a few nights with us & Haley. We took both girls to Wonderland for a little bit. Haley was fascinated with all the bright lights and sounds. Her little legs were kicking a mile a minute. She loved seeing all the crazy people and flashing games! After the excitement of Wonderland we all went home and Haley took a nap. We spent the rest of our day hanging out at home. Alex had a great time with Haley! Roy & I were going to run to pick up Twilight from Redbox for her and we asked her if she wanted to either come with us, stay home alone or stay home and watch Haley, she got SUPER excited and wanted to DEFINITLY stay home and watch Haley. We left them playing on the floor and when we got back they were both still happy as clams!

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