Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sushi & Zerberts

Haley had another fun day filled with friends and family. We had a nice morning visit with Grandpa. Haley sat with Grandpa and visited for a little while while Grandma Egbert was at an appointment. Haley has discovered the ancient of making zerbert noises with her mouth. It has been a constant source of amusement for her!

It is really cute but we are ALL covered in drool! After we visited with Grandpa we went and met Kristine and her one year old daughter Makenna for sushi- yay sushi! Makenna got to try her first piece of sushi and liked the egg one - not so much the tuna one :)
Makenna is fascinated with Haley. When she realized that we intended to have Kristine sit between her and Haley she freaked out and squealed at us until we put her highchair next to Haley! So funny! The girls were so sweet sitting next to each other. Makenna would pet Haley on the head and was really gentle. Don't be fooled here though - Makenna was not feeding Haley she was taking the cracker out of Haley's mouth so she could eat it! Ha!After lunch it was back to our house for a playdate with Chloe & her 11 month old baby sister Annabelle. Chloe is so sweet with Haley. She always wants to hold her or sit next to her.Annie always gets very excited to see Haley. Somethimes TOO excited and forgets to be gentle. We have to keep a close eye on them but they both get very excited when they are together!
Annie always grunt and hollers when she sees Haley and Haley always starts kicking her legs!After our busy day of friends we ended it with a little dinner with Grandma & Grandpa Egbert. Haley was so tired from her exciting day that she fell asleep while Grandma was feeding her right after dinner. It is tough work to be loved by so many people!

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