Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Circle of Security & Time With Grammy

Grammy got to see Haley AGAIN - she sure is a lucky lady! :) Grammy watched Haley while Mom went to her first Circle of Security class. Circle of Security is a class offered by Hearing and Speech Institute (or the "toot" so I am told) which is where Grammy works. The class teaches parents to read clues in their child to help better understand their needs and offer them the security they need to build confidence to explore the world around them. It seems like it will be an interesting and beneficial class.
I think that half the reason my mom got me into the class was so that she could watch Haley while I was at it! Oh well, Haley looks like she had a ball with Grammy in her Johnny Jump Up! Grammy was so impressed at how well Haley could sit up by herself! Grammy said Haley sat up all by herself for 20 minutes! She is getting so strong and learning so FAST now. Grammy took a photo of the girl sitting up and now I just have to ask - did you drug my baby? That is not OK.
She also got to spend some quality time with her Papa! If I could get a good shot of BOTH of them in the same photo I would pass out (PM wins this time)This weekend Alex told me "I love how everyone loves her so much!" Roy & I love it too.

Monday, March 30, 2009

A long night and a calm day

So I think Haley has not been feeling herself lately. She had a very hard time sleeping last night. She woke up every two hours or so and had trouble getting back to sleep. It made for a long night for Haley & Mom. She was up for good before eight and was pretty cranky. She was sleepy and moody all day but refused to take much of a nap. She did not have a fever or upset tummy today but she was not her normal happy Haley. Hopefully she will be feeling better tomorrow - we need to go visit Grammy! We did not take any photos of our lazy day, but I did go pick up photos of Hayden's party yesterday so I will share some of those!

Our great friends, The Howard Family!
Grammy & Papa
Blowing Out the Candles
Grammy & Haley

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Hayden's Party & Uncle Monkey Swings

Today Haley got all dressed up to go to Hayden's birthday party. She got to see her Auntie Shoe & her Grammy & Papa! What a lucky girl! Her best friend Makenna was there too! It was very exciting to see all the kids running around the party - maybe too much! Haley got a little cranky by the end and was asleep before the car was even moving!
After the party and a nice nap we made a quick visit to see Grandma Egbert in the hospital. She is doing OK, just really tired still. She is out of the ICU and should be released on Tuesday. It was nice to visit with her for a bit and see that she was doing better.
After we went to Uncles so he could feed Mom & Dad delicious pasta...mmmmmm. Mom just realized she forgot to steal leftovers :( Uncle fed Haley a little leftover pumpkin - apparently she is not a fan, she made a little pouty face when he fed her some and when that did not get her point across she full-on gagged! She cracks me up!
It is so nice to see how much Uncle loves Haley! They are so cute together! Haley also can not resist a good Uncle Monkey Swing - and of course nobody does it better than the original!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Rolling Over & Tummy Troubles

We stayed in most of the day today. It is quite sad but this is how we now entertain ourselves. Oh how the times have changed! The boy does not like it when Mommy gets bored! In the early afternoon Haley got a little upset tummy. Roy was holding her and she threw up on him. Poor baby! It was quite awesome however because it coincidentally was when I was taking a photo of Roy kissing the girl...and that is how the greatest photo on earth came to be!
Haley is really getting good at rolling over! It is so great! She had done it once about a month and a half ago but had not done it again until yesterday. Now she seems to really have the hang of it! Just watch her go! Pushing up. Starting the twist. And the big finish!
Grandma Egbert has not been feeling well and we had to take her into the emergency room this morning. She is doing all right but she needs a lot of rest! She will be staying at the hospital, at least for tonight. We send her our best wishes and love!

Friday, March 27, 2009

The Easter Bunny Stakeout & Birthday Hug Delivery

So I apologize in advance for being slightly crazy, but I am. I have been on an Easter Bunny stakeout at the local malls trying to find the cutest Easter Bunny for Haley's photo. Today we went and had lunch with Granny & Aunt Alex at Washington Square so I could see the rabbit (hey, I want to make an informed decision.) It ended up being the same rabbit as Lloyd Center (which so far is the winning look.) Oh well, at least we got to spend a fun day with Grammy!
After our afternoon with Grammy we stopped by and said "hi" to Uncle and his nurse Hannah. It was Hannah's birthday this week and she had requested Haley hugs as a gift...how could we refuse? Mom was a dip and did not take any pictures but I MUST keep the streak alive so I posted a blog anyway :) As a courtesy I chose two photos of the girl I have not posted on the blog before :)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Fun at Grammy's!

Today I took Alex, Hannah & Haley over to Grammy's so the girls could scrapbook. Alex & Hannah had fun upstairs making their projects while Haley got to visit Grammy. Grammy & Papa took Haley to dinner with Aunt Christina & Cousin Sandy while I ran a few errands (preparations for a certain Easter Eggstravaganza). After dinner they brought Haley (with an exploded diaper - lucky me) back to the house before Grammy, Christina, Sandy, and her friend Breena went off to see plays. Papa & I hung out playing with Haley while the girls finished their projects. It is so fun to see Haley so happy being loved by her family!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


So Haley tried prunes today - and man did she LOVE them! She ate an entire small container of them and then continued to keep her mouth open waiting for more. She then ate another ENTIRE container of them! After she finished the second one she kept opening her mouth for more but I was already afraid of what was going to come out of her from eating two! After dinner Haley got a bath. After bath and a bottle Haley was SO tired! Mom tried to keep her up (just a little longer) but it was all too clear it was time for bed - she kept nodding off in Mom's arms.
Alex is still staying with us for spring break. I let her friend Hannah spend the night again because I am super nice :) Crystal took them to the mall and they also took Alex's little boyfriend - so cute! I made Crystal take my camera to take pictures. Then after they came to the house so I could check him out. Alex was COMPLETELY embarrassed - so awesome!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Slumber Party Night Two!

Because I am nuts I told Alex she could invite one of her friends, Hannah, to spend the night with us. So today ended up being filled with a lot of giggling and high pitched screaming - a nod to what is to come. Roy & I loaded up Haley, Alex, Hannah & Hayden & Tank into two cars and took them to Ben & Jerry's. Everyone got a scoop of ice cream (except Tank - though I am sure he managed to get a bite out of Dad). After ice cream I took all the girls to Lloyd Center & sent Roy & Hayden off to their XBOX 360. Now I have two giggling girls downstairs on the couch watching movies & discussing boys...all to soon it will be Haley and her little friends down there :)

Monday, March 23, 2009

7 Months!

Today Haley is 7 months old! Wow! We are so lucky to have her! Today was also Hayden's 10th birthday so he came over to spend the night. Auntie Shoe dropped him off and could not resist giving Haley some kisses & tickles! Mostly Hayden just wants to come over to play video games but he paused for a moment to eat chicken nuggets and blow out candles on a cake. Oh, and he was briefly distracted by Miss Sweet Cheeks herself. He is so sweet and cute with her! Alex is still here visiting and continues to have fun playing with Haley! It is nice to have her here for Spring Break.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Today Haley stayed at home while Mom went to see Wicked with Shoe, Grandma Karry & Aunt Kate. It was so fun! The costumes and sets were incredible, the story was great...altogether it was fantastic! I did miss my Haley though! After the show we all met Roy, Haley & Alex at Applebees and all had an early dinner. After dinner we headed home so mom could spend some one on one time with her baby girl and put her to bed.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Alex Starts Her Visit

Since Spring Break is in session our niece Alex came over to spend a few nights with us & Haley. We took both girls to Wonderland for a little bit. Haley was fascinated with all the bright lights and sounds. Her little legs were kicking a mile a minute. She loved seeing all the crazy people and flashing games! After the excitement of Wonderland we all went home and Haley took a nap. We spent the rest of our day hanging out at home. Alex had a great time with Haley! Roy & I were going to run to pick up Twilight from Redbox for her and we asked her if she wanted to either come with us, stay home alone or stay home and watch Haley, she got SUPER excited and wanted to DEFINITLY stay home and watch Haley. We left them playing on the floor and when we got back they were both still happy as clams!

Friday, March 20, 2009

Central Library & Out to Dinner

Today we went to the downtown library to check out some more books. The selection is amazing anf the librarians are super nice and had great suggestions. Of course, Tank had to come with us! After we checked out some books we went home to read stories and have lunch. After a nice relaxing afternoon we went and met Grandma Karry and Papa at Red Lobster. Man we have been getting to eat out a lot lately! :) Having cute baby has its benefits!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Sushi & Zerberts

Haley had another fun day filled with friends and family. We had a nice morning visit with Grandpa. Haley sat with Grandpa and visited for a little while while Grandma Egbert was at an appointment. Haley has discovered the ancient of making zerbert noises with her mouth. It has been a constant source of amusement for her!

It is really cute but we are ALL covered in drool! After we visited with Grandpa we went and met Kristine and her one year old daughter Makenna for sushi- yay sushi! Makenna got to try her first piece of sushi and liked the egg one - not so much the tuna one :)
Makenna is fascinated with Haley. When she realized that we intended to have Kristine sit between her and Haley she freaked out and squealed at us until we put her highchair next to Haley! So funny! The girls were so sweet sitting next to each other. Makenna would pet Haley on the head and was really gentle. Don't be fooled here though - Makenna was not feeding Haley she was taking the cracker out of Haley's mouth so she could eat it! Ha!After lunch it was back to our house for a playdate with Chloe & her 11 month old baby sister Annabelle. Chloe is so sweet with Haley. She always wants to hold her or sit next to her.Annie always gets very excited to see Haley. Somethimes TOO excited and forgets to be gentle. We have to keep a close eye on them but they both get very excited when they are together!
Annie always grunt and hollers when she sees Haley and Haley always starts kicking her legs!After our busy day of friends we ended it with a little dinner with Grandma & Grandpa Egbert. Haley was so tired from her exciting day that she fell asleep while Grandma was feeding her right after dinner. It is tough work to be loved by so many people!