Sunday, September 20, 2009

Wonderful Weekend

We had a nice relaxing weekend - a nice change from the usual hectic pace we run at. Alex had Emily over to spend the night on Friday. When they got ready on Saturday they hopped on the Max and went to Clackamas Town Center so Alex could spend her birthday gift certificate :) Mom, Dad & Haley stayed home to hang out and play. Haley is learning to climb on and off the couch. At this weeks early intervention session Nicole suggested taking one couch cushion off so that Haley had a spot that was lower to pull herself up on. Haley LOVES this! She is able to pull up onto the lower area and then get herself up on (or down from) the couch. She loves crawling up and on to Mom, or crawling over to the light switch and turning the lights on and off, or just climbing up and down over and over and over...who would know that the furniture would end up being her favorite toy? On Sunday we woke up early and the girls walked down to the Lents Farmers Market with Tank (Dad stayed to watch football) and got some fresh fruit & pastries for breakfast. Yummo! After we got home Haley took a quick nap before accompanying Mom & Grandma to the mall to exchange some items and to let Haley play on the baby playground. Haley loves the mall - she loves all the people and looking at all the stuff. She especially loves the playground with all the kids moving around. After a little time playing and going down the slide, Grandma took Haley over to the area with all the going operated "rides" - Haley had a blast!
She especially loved the train which sort of jerked back and forth but had all sorts of buttons to push and screens with lights.
The best part though was that it was big enough for one or two other kids to join her! Haley couldn't get enough of pushing the buttons and making cheesy grins at her new friends.
After all the excitement Haley was pooped so we headed home for dinner and nap (which ended up turning into bedtime since she was passed out!)

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