Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Kisses from Makenna and My Baby Genius!

Today Makenna spent the day with Haley. They have learned how to give each other kisses and it is pretty darn cute! It is nice that Haley has such good friends to play with!
After Makenna went home, Grandma came over to see Haley and drop some stuff off. Haley had been playing with Grandma's keys and had left them on the floor by the ball pit but she had ended up playing on the floor by Mom & Grandma. When Grandma was ready to leave we were asking Haley where the keys were. I pointed over to the keys near the ball pit and said "Haley give Grandma her keys?" I repeated it several times and almost passed out when Haley walked over toward the ball pit and grabbed the keys (which were actually behind something so she had not been able to see the keys when I started asking her to get them) and wobbled back to Grandma.
I could not believe it! I was saying it but I did not think in a MILLION years that she would go get them! Genius baby I tell ya! Full of surprises!

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