Monday, September 14, 2009

Just Another Manic Monday...

Today was another hectic day - lots of errands and things to get done, but I am happy to say all the things we wanted to accomplish today actually got done, hurray! Today was also the first day of Alex's volleyball practice. She really enjoyed it and is looking forward to the rest of the season. I am happy that she likes it (however since practice is at 7:45 tomorrow morning we will have to see how long the enthusiasm lasts!) Haley spent the day running errands with Mom and charming the socks off of everyone we encountered - like usual :) She continues to work on her new skill of walking and is improving quickly. She is still a little nervous but often gets the courage to make small jaunts from one item or person to another. Today she managed to take about twelve consecutive steps! She looks so cute and wobbly! She always gets a huge grin and seems very proud of herself (her Mama is proud too) when she walks - so cute. I am still trying to capture a video to share but she is still a little shy about her new found skill. She is such a sweet and happy baby, she brings so much happiness into all our lives :) Tomorrow is another big day with meetings and an early birthday dinner for Alex so this Momma is off to bed!

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