Saturday, September 12, 2009

And she is off!

Today started with a great accomplishment for Haley - her first few wobbly steps! She took the plunge and took three wobbly steps to get from Dada to Mama! What a big girl! She got the courage up to take a few more several times throughout today so it won't be too long until she will be walking all the time! I can't believe she is getting so big! After the big steps we all got ready for the days activities - Alex went over to Emily's and Roy, I and Haley all went to Rex Putnam to see Hayden's first football game.
He looked so cute all uniformed up and ready to play!
Hayden's team totally smoked the competition and the game ended in a 33-0 victory!
After the game we went home so Haley could nap and get ready to go to dinner & the mall with Grammy & Auntie Shoe. After such a full day Haley was wiped out - she fell asleep in the car and only woke up to make a few sleepy blinks at Dad before going to bed for the night. Such a sweet girl!

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