Monday, September 7, 2009

Oregon State Fair

Today was a FULL day! It was the last day of the State Fair in Salem so we decided to take advantage and accompany Grandma Egbert to the festivities!
We had so much fun!
Haley loved walking around holding our hands and looking at all the crazy people!
She LOVED it when Dad & Alex would walk and swing her a little bit. Mom was worried about her little ones shoulders but Haley really thought it was cool!
Haley also got a chance to eat her first corn dog and gave it her approval :)
Dad ate a slightly larger version...I had never seen anything quite like it! Surprisingly even Roy could not finish that bad boy!
After eating and looking at some more exhibits Haley was exhausted. She took a little nap in her stroller.
It did not last long because before too long she heard Mom giggling with Alex and had to wake up less she miss some excitement. Mom had given Alex a friendly push toward the boy teaching kids how to rope a calf - despite how embarrassing her Maja is, Alex was a good sport and roped herself a fine calf! :)
After that the cowgirl bug must have hit Alex because she really wanted to ride the mechanical bull.
Once she got up there I think she got a little nervous but she hopped on and rode it like a pro! She did a really good job and looked adorable!
We spent most of the rest of day looking at exhibits and of course eating fair food. As the evening approached Alex got her nerves together and went on the bungee ride she had been eyeing since arrival. She had to ride with a stranger because none of us were brave(stupid?) enough to go on the thing but that did not stop her!
I could hear her screaming the whole time! She survived and lived to tell us how cool it was :)
After her bungee jump and an old time photo (at Mom's insistence)
we decided to call it a day (after all it was nearly 9 PM!)
We were all exhausted but it sure was a lot of fun!

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