Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Back To School Night

Today Robyn stopped by so I could see her again before Lyric is born. Today was her due date but no sign of the little guy yet! The doctor said that if he doesn't show up by next Tuesday she will schedule an c-section for next Wednesday. I am so excited and can not wait for Lyric to be born so I can meet him!
Tonight we met Alex after volleyball practice to attend Alder Creek Open House. Grandma was kind enough to watch Haley (which was good since I don't think Haley would have liked sitting in all the classrooms and listening to speeches...) so it was just Mom, Dad & Alex. We walked around to each of her classes and her teachers gave a little "presentation" about their expectations and current curriculum.
I won't say it was fabulous but I do love spending time with Alex so it was not half bad :) Alex had her friend Emily come over to spend the night (since Wednesday is late start) so we all headed home together after the event was done. Emily & Alex spent the rest of the night at the kitchen table doing homework and Dad, Mom & Haley called it an early night!

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