Thursday, September 17, 2009

The week so far...

The week has been pretty normal & busy :) We had Makenna over on Tuesday and that was fun. Haley really loves to play with her.
Makenna has apparently learned the word "no" because it echoed through the house the entire day :) Every time Haley got within a 5 foot radius of Makenna's doll, Makenna would run to it shouting "No! No! No!" It was kinda funny. Makenna also has learned to say Haley's name "Hey E" - which is really freaking cute!
On Tuesday we also had Early Intervention & a visit from the case worker before going to meet Grammy, Papa & Uncle at Black Bear (yum!) so Alex could celebrate with Uncle before he leaves to Africa (tomorrow!) Of course dinner was fantastic - it was Black Bear and we clearly had fabulous company. Haley was also able to showcase her walking skills for Uncle so that was neat! Then on Wednesday Mom's friend, David & his girlfriend Jessie, were in town visiting from China so they went out to lunch while Alex was in school and Haley played with Grandma. We went to the Kennedy School which is always fun! It is just fun to walk around and look at everything in that place. It was interesting to hear about how life is in China & just catch up - I have not seen David in a long time! After lunch Mom came home and we had a quiet evening at home. Haley was exhausted and ended up going to bed at 7:15 which meant for an early morning awakening, but it actually worked out because Dad was up to take Alex to her early morning volleyball practice so he kindly took Haley with them and let Mom sleep in - what a nice husband!

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