Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Volleyball Games

So Volleyball season has gotten into full swing! Alex is really enjoying it and seems to be getting better every day! Today was her second volleyball game. I spent the evening manning the snack station but Dad & Haley watched the game and got a few photos. Alex's team won and they are now 2-0!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Lyric Rylee Cooper

Robyn finally went into labor and Lyric Rylee was born on September 25, 2009 at 10:00 PM. He was 20 inches long and weighed 8 lbs 12 ounces.
Mom was able to meet Robyn and be one of the very first people to see and hold the little guy.
He is healthy and SO cute! He was so alert and looking around everywhere.
It was truly a fantastic moment! Momma was so happy and they looked so sweet together! We are happy to welcome Lyric to this world!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

A Little Under the Weather

Today Mom woke up with a little head cold and a massively sore throat :( There went Haley & Mom's big plans to go see Stacy & Steve's new baby! We will have to wait until Monday now but can't risk spreading this around - I am already SO worried that the princess will catch it! So today was spent hanging out at the house and catching up on some rest (baby girl needed it too since she decided not to nap yesterday...) and playing on the floor together. Not too bad of a way to spend the day. Aunt Kate stopped by at lunchtime and brought Mom some food & orange juice (talk about a nice sister!) She also dropped off a birthday present for Alex (what a nice Aunt!) & got a chance to see Haley walking :)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Kisses from Makenna and My Baby Genius!

Today Makenna spent the day with Haley. They have learned how to give each other kisses and it is pretty darn cute! It is nice that Haley has such good friends to play with!
After Makenna went home, Grandma came over to see Haley and drop some stuff off. Haley had been playing with Grandma's keys and had left them on the floor by the ball pit but she had ended up playing on the floor by Mom & Grandma. When Grandma was ready to leave we were asking Haley where the keys were. I pointed over to the keys near the ball pit and said "Haley give Grandma her keys?" I repeated it several times and almost passed out when Haley walked over toward the ball pit and grabbed the keys (which were actually behind something so she had not been able to see the keys when I started asking her to get them) and wobbled back to Grandma.
I could not believe it! I was saying it but I did not think in a MILLION years that she would go get them! Genius baby I tell ya! Full of surprises!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Back To School Night

Today Robyn stopped by so I could see her again before Lyric is born. Today was her due date but no sign of the little guy yet! The doctor said that if he doesn't show up by next Tuesday she will schedule an c-section for next Wednesday. I am so excited and can not wait for Lyric to be born so I can meet him!
Tonight we met Alex after volleyball practice to attend Alder Creek Open House. Grandma was kind enough to watch Haley (which was good since I don't think Haley would have liked sitting in all the classrooms and listening to speeches...) so it was just Mom, Dad & Alex. We walked around to each of her classes and her teachers gave a little "presentation" about their expectations and current curriculum.
I won't say it was fabulous but I do love spending time with Alex so it was not half bad :) Alex had her friend Emily come over to spend the night (since Wednesday is late start) so we all headed home together after the event was done. Emily & Alex spent the rest of the night at the kitchen table doing homework and Dad, Mom & Haley called it an early night!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Loving to Walk

So Haley is all about walking now! She prefers walking to crawling - unless she wants to get somewhere fast (like if she notices a baby gate open) and then she is crawling as fast as she can! She is still a little hesitant but she is gaining confidence. I only could get a few steps on camera (and please excuse my laundry pile on the couch...) but here she is!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Wonderful Weekend

We had a nice relaxing weekend - a nice change from the usual hectic pace we run at. Alex had Emily over to spend the night on Friday. When they got ready on Saturday they hopped on the Max and went to Clackamas Town Center so Alex could spend her birthday gift certificate :) Mom, Dad & Haley stayed home to hang out and play. Haley is learning to climb on and off the couch. At this weeks early intervention session Nicole suggested taking one couch cushion off so that Haley had a spot that was lower to pull herself up on. Haley LOVES this! She is able to pull up onto the lower area and then get herself up on (or down from) the couch. She loves crawling up and on to Mom, or crawling over to the light switch and turning the lights on and off, or just climbing up and down over and over and over...who would know that the furniture would end up being her favorite toy? On Sunday we woke up early and the girls walked down to the Lents Farmers Market with Tank (Dad stayed to watch football) and got some fresh fruit & pastries for breakfast. Yummo! After we got home Haley took a quick nap before accompanying Mom & Grandma to the mall to exchange some items and to let Haley play on the baby playground. Haley loves the mall - she loves all the people and looking at all the stuff. She especially loves the playground with all the kids moving around. After a little time playing and going down the slide, Grandma took Haley over to the area with all the going operated "rides" - Haley had a blast!
She especially loved the train which sort of jerked back and forth but had all sorts of buttons to push and screens with lights.
The best part though was that it was big enough for one or two other kids to join her! Haley couldn't get enough of pushing the buttons and making cheesy grins at her new friends.
After all the excitement Haley was pooped so we headed home for dinner and nap (which ended up turning into bedtime since she was passed out!)

Friday, September 18, 2009

Friday Fun!

This morning started with Mom dropping Uncle RJ off at the airport so he can start his African safari adventure :) I can not wait for the pictures! Tank was also very excited because it meant that "cousin" Henry was coming for a visit! The boys played around together and now are both completely passed out :) In the afternoon Haley had her friend, Annie, come over to play. We set the slide up under the porch so that we might get a little use out of it when the rain starts. Annie & Haley had a fantastic time playing on it!
Annie liked climbing the stairs but Haley was of course more interested in climbing up the slide and then sitting on the top of the steps (much to Annie's chagrin.)

They seemed to work it out OK and spent an hour out on the porch playing. Alex is at the Putnam football game with Emily and Haley is fast asleep so off to do a few chores before bed! :)

Thursday, September 17, 2009

The week so far...

The week has been pretty normal & busy :) We had Makenna over on Tuesday and that was fun. Haley really loves to play with her.
Makenna has apparently learned the word "no" because it echoed through the house the entire day :) Every time Haley got within a 5 foot radius of Makenna's doll, Makenna would run to it shouting "No! No! No!" It was kinda funny. Makenna also has learned to say Haley's name "Hey E" - which is really freaking cute!
On Tuesday we also had Early Intervention & a visit from the case worker before going to meet Grammy, Papa & Uncle at Black Bear (yum!) so Alex could celebrate with Uncle before he leaves to Africa (tomorrow!) Of course dinner was fantastic - it was Black Bear and we clearly had fabulous company. Haley was also able to showcase her walking skills for Uncle so that was neat! Then on Wednesday Mom's friend, David & his girlfriend Jessie, were in town visiting from China so they went out to lunch while Alex was in school and Haley played with Grandma. We went to the Kennedy School which is always fun! It is just fun to walk around and look at everything in that place. It was interesting to hear about how life is in China & just catch up - I have not seen David in a long time! After lunch Mom came home and we had a quiet evening at home. Haley was exhausted and ended up going to bed at 7:15 which meant for an early morning awakening, but it actually worked out because Dad was up to take Alex to her early morning volleyball practice so he kindly took Haley with them and let Mom sleep in - what a nice husband!

Monday, September 14, 2009

Just Another Manic Monday...

Today was another hectic day - lots of errands and things to get done, but I am happy to say all the things we wanted to accomplish today actually got done, hurray! Today was also the first day of Alex's volleyball practice. She really enjoyed it and is looking forward to the rest of the season. I am happy that she likes it (however since practice is at 7:45 tomorrow morning we will have to see how long the enthusiasm lasts!) Haley spent the day running errands with Mom and charming the socks off of everyone we encountered - like usual :) She continues to work on her new skill of walking and is improving quickly. She is still a little nervous but often gets the courage to make small jaunts from one item or person to another. Today she managed to take about twelve consecutive steps! She looks so cute and wobbly! She always gets a huge grin and seems very proud of herself (her Mama is proud too) when she walks - so cute. I am still trying to capture a video to share but she is still a little shy about her new found skill. She is such a sweet and happy baby, she brings so much happiness into all our lives :) Tomorrow is another big day with meetings and an early birthday dinner for Alex so this Momma is off to bed!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Easy Like Sunday Morning

Today we had a relaxing day of hanging around the house, watching football and getting some chores done. Mom & Dad made a huge dent in the ever growing pile of laundry. We had a big pile on the couch and were getting ready to fold it...
Tank was nowhere to be found- No, wait, there is the boy!
Too funny! Mom also managed to get a lot of photos uploaded on the computer and her blog updated - finally! All in all it was a great, and finally relaxing, way to spend a Sunday morning!

That Hair!

Everyday when I am out and about with Haley I always get stopped by at least one (usually a half dozen people) who want to look at Haley's hair. Everyone always thinks her fauxhawk is the cutest thing in the world...I tend to agree :)

Saturday, September 12, 2009

And she is off!

Today started with a great accomplishment for Haley - her first few wobbly steps! She took the plunge and took three wobbly steps to get from Dada to Mama! What a big girl! She got the courage up to take a few more several times throughout today so it won't be too long until she will be walking all the time! I can't believe she is getting so big! After the big steps we all got ready for the days activities - Alex went over to Emily's and Roy, I and Haley all went to Rex Putnam to see Hayden's first football game.
He looked so cute all uniformed up and ready to play!
Hayden's team totally smoked the competition and the game ended in a 33-0 victory!
After the game we went home so Haley could nap and get ready to go to dinner & the mall with Grammy & Auntie Shoe. After such a full day Haley was wiped out - she fell asleep in the car and only woke up to make a few sleepy blinks at Dad before going to bed for the night. Such a sweet girl!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Alex is Back To School

Alex is finally back to school! She was pretty excited but a little nervous to get back in the swing of things. It was strange not having her around the house today...and slightly quieter :) Haley and Mom spent most of the day playing and waiting for sister to come home!
Both girls were so happy to see each other - what cute sisters!
I sure am one lucky Mom! After dinner Alex gave Haley a bath and was quite proud of the unicorn horn hairdo she gave the girl.
I must say it did look cute!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Oregon State Fair

Today was a FULL day! It was the last day of the State Fair in Salem so we decided to take advantage and accompany Grandma Egbert to the festivities!
We had so much fun!
Haley loved walking around holding our hands and looking at all the crazy people!
She LOVED it when Dad & Alex would walk and swing her a little bit. Mom was worried about her little ones shoulders but Haley really thought it was cool!
Haley also got a chance to eat her first corn dog and gave it her approval :)
Dad ate a slightly larger version...I had never seen anything quite like it! Surprisingly even Roy could not finish that bad boy!
After eating and looking at some more exhibits Haley was exhausted. She took a little nap in her stroller.
It did not last long because before too long she heard Mom giggling with Alex and had to wake up less she miss some excitement. Mom had given Alex a friendly push toward the boy teaching kids how to rope a calf - despite how embarrassing her Maja is, Alex was a good sport and roped herself a fine calf! :)
After that the cowgirl bug must have hit Alex because she really wanted to ride the mechanical bull.
Once she got up there I think she got a little nervous but she hopped on and rode it like a pro! She did a really good job and looked adorable!
We spent most of the rest of day looking at exhibits and of course eating fair food. As the evening approached Alex got her nerves together and went on the bungee ride she had been eyeing since arrival. She had to ride with a stranger because none of us were brave(stupid?) enough to go on the thing but that did not stop her!
I could hear her screaming the whole time! She survived and lived to tell us how cool it was :)
After her bungee jump and an old time photo (at Mom's insistence)
we decided to call it a day (after all it was nearly 9 PM!)
We were all exhausted but it sure was a lot of fun!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Getting Ready To Walk

Everyday she gets a little more confident - one "step" closer to walking on her own. One of our favorite things to do now is walk hand and hand. Haley loves to take my hand and walk anywhere she can! She is growing up so fast! Although I can not wait to see her grow and learn all these new things a part of me knows I really will miss her needing and wanting me so much. For now I will just cherish every moment I have with precious Haley. She will be walking soon enough :)